

Every OrganicTan experience begins with a brief consultation. Our goal is to ensure your skin looks naturally sun kissed. Your unique shade is custom-blended based on your natural skin type, tone, features and preference.



Following the consultation, your OrganicTan artist will take care of all of the prep by paying special attention to the areas of the body that don’t naturally tan (including lips, the palms of your hands, nails/cuticles, and feet) as well as areas of the body that can be giveaways of a “fake tan”, such as elbows, hands, knees, etc. This prevents unnatural colouring. We strive to ensure your tan looks as natural as possible. 



After carefully preparing your skin, your OrganicTan artist will guide you through a routine of simple poses that have been strategically designed to ensure flawless coverage that compliments the natural curves and composition of your body. 



Finally, your OrganicTan artist will ensure all areas of the body are blended. You will feel wet/sticky for 2-3 hours following your appointment, but we brush your body’s natural creases with a drying powder to help ease that sticky feeling during the drying process. 

You can immediately get dressed after being spray tanned. We highly recommend wearing dark, loosely fitted clothing following your appointment to ensure your OrganicTan isn’t rubbed or disrupted by tight clothing. Your OrganicTan artist will educate you on all of the aftercare to ensure the longest lasting results and will be happy to answer any questions you may have!